Relieve a sensitive area with a feeling of freshness.
Improve comfort during a shock or muscle blow.
Products tested, evaluated and compliant with the SPORT PROTECT anti-doping program. Compliant with anti-doping legislation. Guaranteed by an independent third-party organization
Gel - 97% natural - Ready for use - No ingredients or derivatives of animal origin.
Ready to use - Targeted action.
Product in France.
WBZ CRYO - Cold effect gel - Muscular Effort / Recovery. - Freeze
Par un froid immédiat et durable, soulage vos zones sensibles :
- cou, dos, épaules, bras, poignets, mains, hanches, cuisses, genoux, mollets, chevilles, pieds...
Améliore le confort de la récupération lors d'une tension musculaire, d’un choc ou d’un coup musculaire par un sensation de rafraîchissement.